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Funded by SADS UK, Heartwize Essex were pleased to deliver CPR and Defibrillator training to Year 10 pupils at Westcliff High School for boys

March 12, 2020

SADS UK launched an exciting new initiative Heartwize Essex at the Anglia Ruskin University. The free CPR training programme is aimed at Year 10 pupils teaching essential lifesaving skills to ensure that every school leaver across Essex is trained to recognise and respond appropriately to a cardiac arrest emergency in a bid to increase survival rates from out of hospital cardiac arrest.

Up to 60,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals in the UK every year, and the current survival rate in the UK is only 8%. Evidence from across the globe demonstrates that teaching school students basic life support skills can have a dramatic effect on cardiac arrest survival rates.(Seattle and some Nordic cities have survival rates >25%)

Evidence from around the globe repeatedly shows us the power of teaching school children basic life support skills. By training an army of young life savers, SADS UK aims to equip people with the knowledge and confidence to act in an emergency, and ultimately to help save lives.

Tagged in: Defibrillators, Schools

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