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SADS UK Patron receives Rare Award

July 28, 2020

SADS UK staff and supporters congratulate Dr Andrew Grace, who has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Experimental Cardiology by the University of Cambridge. Honorary Professorships are one of the most prestigious honours in the gift of the University and mark academic contribution and rare distinction. As well as working at Royal Papworth for 35 years, Dr Grace has had a long association with the University’s Department of Biochemistry and has worked on several ground-breaking studies in experimental cardiology, most notably on the genetics and mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythmias. Dr Grace is one of SADS UK’s Patrons and that the charity is pleased they have been able to support some of his important work. He has given freely of his time and given presentations at many SADS UK Heart to Heart conferences regarding SADS and arrhythmias. His support of the charity has been invaluable. This award is so richly deserved after dedicating years of work to this area of cardiology. We are so pleased that his commitment has been recognised in this special way.

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