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InXpress Gives Back Scheme Places Lifesaving Defibrillator through SADS UK

July 21, 2021

When she was just 23, Lisa Savage Customer Service Representative, from InXpress North Surrey was rushed into hospital having suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. It was subsequently discovered that she had a genetic heart condition, along with her siblings and dad – and her two young children.  Lisa said “My eldest daughter was three, at the time, and my youngest was just seven months old. It was a complete shock to receive the news, and trying to cope with the impact on them, as well as on my own future, was difficult. Thankfully, I was put in touch with SADS UK, who were able to offer me a lot of support. They connected me with other families, who were in a similar situation, but further along in their journey; helped to arrange a defibrillator in the house for my daughters, along with training my husband and I on how to use it and do CPR.”

Andrea Patient, AED Project Manager, SADS UK says: “A defibrillator is an essential resource for saving lives. The earlier the heart is restarted, the better the outcome for the patient. We aim to see Community Public Access Defibrillators being placed everywhere people tend to group together. They’re easy to use, and guide the user through each step clearly. So, the one which InXpress is funding is helping us to achieve our goal.”

Read the article about the defibrillator placement here:  InXpress Gives Back funding lifesaving defibrillators | British Franchise Association (

Tagged in: Defibrillators, Media

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