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Funded by SADS UK, Heartwize Essex were pleased to deliver CPR and Defibrillator training to Year 10 pupils at Westcliff High School for boys

Funded by SADS UK, Heartwize Essex were pleased to deliver CPR and Defibrillator training to Year 10 pupils at Westcliff High School for boys creating a generation of lifesavers.

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All Schools should have defibrillators to restart the Heart

An Early Day Motion was tabled in Parliament in 2007 on behalf of SADS congratulating the charity with their lifesaving work and urging Government to bring forward a strategy to make defibrillators available on all school premises

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Basic life support should be taught in Schools

SADS is backing the BHF Campaign and Resuscitation Council (UK) initiative urging Emergency Life Support Skills to be put on the Schools National Curriculum.

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SADS UK Annual National Defibrillator Lifesavers Awards

SADS honour people in the community who have saved lives by the prompt use of basic life support skills and applying defibrillation.

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