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Latest News

Rob Gundry London marathon

SADS UK London Marathon runners are doing well; Rob Gundry is an inspiration to all, living with a cardiac condition and an internal defibrillator he has really racked up the miles and sponsorship. 

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Sammy Holland marathon

SADS UK London Marathon runners are doing well;  Sammy Holland has been amazing, recently taking up a place after a runner needed to withdraw due to ill health.  Sammy is really smashing it!

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Don't lose your defibrillator

Don't lose your defibrillator

We hear on a regular basis about the time it takes to get defibs back to their guardians. SADS UK provide identification tags and labels for a small donation.  Identify your defibrillator – make sure it returns to you.

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Joe Spooner fundraiser darts tournament

Joe Spooner fundraiser darts tournament. Another fantastic Darts Tournament held in memory of Joe Spooner.  It say 32 men and 9 ladies battle it out

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SADS UK Statement : 24th January 2023

SADS UK campaigning 10 years ago lobbying Government for defibrillators in schools which reached and was supported by millions of people. Anne Jolly MBE spoke with policymakers and subsequently the Department for Education advised schools that they should consider having a defibrillator as part of their First Aid equipment.

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SADS UK Supports Members in donating 2 Defibrillators to Help Save Lives

SADS UK were pleased to support members Angela and David Hosking in donating two new defibrillators to Ashfield Community First Responders Team in memory of their beloved daughter Joanne to help save lives. 

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