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SADS UK Retreat - 25th to 27th March 2023

SADS UK holds an Annual Retreat for members to share memories and be together. Our 2023 Retreat is being held for 2 nights on 25th to 27th March 2023 at The Warwickshire Park Hotel in Warwickshire.

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End of the Year

As 2022 draws to a close we wanted to wish all our members and their families a safe and peaceful Christmas. We are thinking of all our members and their family and friends who have lost loved ones and understand what a difficult time of year this can be. 

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CPR and Defibrillators Save Lives : SADS UK Press Release on Christian Eriksen’s Return to Play

Professional Danish soccer player Christian Eriksen went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) during Denmark’s opening game against Finland in the Euros 2020. Medical staff administered CPR, and after noticing his heart had stopped beating, called for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which shocked Eriksen’s heart back into rhythm and saved his life. This November, Christian Eriksen returned to play for his country in the World Cup because of these lifesaving actions.

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Fundraising Evening In Memory of Luke Organ

SADS UK thanks everyone involved in the fundraising evening held at Morganians Rugby Club in memory of Luke Organ who tragically passed away aged just 35.

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Leah's Life was Saved by her Husband

SADS UK is pleased to be supporting Lydia Miller and The HR Department South East Wales, Ebbw Vale to place a Community Public Access Defibrillator at their premises to help save lives.  Lydia's daughter Leah's life was saved when she suffered a cardiac arrest at home and her husband performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. 

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Faith PR support SADS UK in memory of Kirsty

SADS UK thanks everyone at Faith PR for the kind support in memory of their much loved and missed colleague Kirsty. SADS UK is very grateful to everyone involved for their fundraising efforts raising awareness and funds for SADS UK in memory of Kirsty to help save lives.

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